Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pregnancy dream meaning?

So I just woke up from the scariest dream and I was curious as to what it meant. In the dream I find out I'm pregnant, with my ex who I recently broke up with in real life. I pull him aside and tell him I'm pregnant, and he basically just laughs at me, and goes back with his new gf (which he recently got in real life) he proceeds to tell the entire school. Everyone outcasts me except for my dad and this friend that I've had since elementary school. I keep worrying about my sister in the dream because she has this bf who in real life, I dont like. And I keep warning her not to do anything with him because I'm worried she'll end up like me, but she won't listen. I end up giving birth and naming the baby Darcy. She's pretty cute and she grows really fast so she looks like she's about 7, but she's totally mute. My long time friend who has been supporting me throughout this says she has a wishing fountain with only one wish left and that I can take it to wish everything to be gone and back to normal again. My dad drives Darcy and me out to the fountain, and I make the wish but seeing how sad Darcy is I start to cry and regret I made the wish but she disappears. My friend then finds another wish thing, and I wish her back. I woke up crying. What could this mean? It's the most vivid dream I've had in a very long time. It was very stressful as well because I'm only 16

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