Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What is the atmosphere song where he tells the story of his friend being chased by the wolf ?

I was listing to my pandor station in my car on the way to work, and a song by atmosphere had come on. and i was so in love with it and i cant wait to hear it again! only problem is that i never looked at the name of the song and on my phone, which is the way i was listing to, it wouldnt let me look back at the songs i had already listened to :( i super bumed and i cant find it anywhere! It is the song that lyrics describe a situation where he and his friend were camping in the winter and he wakes up to find his friend foot print in the snow leading into the woods, and then he sees another tracks of prints that are a wolfs! please tell me some one knows who the is and can tell em the name os i can look it up

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