Friday, July 15, 2011

Elizabeth and Darcy's love in Pride and Prejudice?

I have to disagree slightly, Elizabeth knew that Darcy loved her for ages, when he first proposed to her when she was in Kent she refused him because she disliked him. In fact i think that she only started to love him when she saw him at Pemberly, he was a complete gentleman, he was pleasant and polite. Itwas then she saw that he had changed. Then when he helped then Bennet family after lydia ran of with wickham, she saw that he would do anythig to help her. So she fell in love with him because of all the things that he did for her and her family which showed his devotion for her, so in a way she did only fall in love with him because he loved her, but in actual fact it took alot more than that before they ended up together.

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